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Biostimulation des sols cultives par apport de bois rameal fragmente (BRF) et de fumier.

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dc.contributor.author Kerrouche, Ibrahim
dc.contributor.author Ouahrani, Ghania
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T09:11:01Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T09:11:01Z
dc.date.issued 2019-12-10
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/4962
dc.description.abstract A biostimulation study of cultivated soils was conducted for 4 years (2014 to 2017) to determine the agricultural value of green waste Rameal Fragmented Wood (BRF), Manure and land application of anecic earthworms (Octodrilus complanatus). The results show that, the soil chosen belongs to the sandy loam class, the soil temperature varies from one environment to another, from one season to another and from one year to the next. Soil moisture changes from one environment to another, and varies from season to season and from year to year. The pH varies according to the medium, between seasons and years, at the beginning of the experiment, the pH is on average alkaline [7.63 ± 0.06], then at the end of the experiment it becomes on average little alkaline [7, 43 ± 0.03]. The electrical conductivity (μS / cm) changes from one medium to another, from one year to the next. However, the intake of BRF and manure did not affect the EC class (μS / cm) of the soil; it remained in Class I (unsalted). The soil studied is rich in limestone, the BRF intake of Nectarine and cattle manure did not affect the% CaCO3 and the soil analyzed remained in the highly calcareous class. It should be noted that the porosity (%) of the soil studied goes from the very poor class (34.0%) to the middle class (43.1%) at the end of the study. The average soil% C at the end of the process (1.96% C) is slightly higher compared to the beginning of the experiment (1.84% C). There was an enrichment of organic carbon and M.O. after addition of BRF of nectarine and cattle manure. For, the% Nt at the end of the experiment increased significantly by 12% compared to the beginning of the test. For the biotic compartment, we noted an increase in the density of microscopic fungi, microarthropods (collembolans and mites) in the amended plots compared to the control. In addition, the index of soil biological quality (QBS) is multiplied by 2 compared to the control in the different plots studied. In addition, the addition of BRF Nectarine and cattle manure, promotes the growth and development of O. complanatus. Also, the BRF of nectarine (Prunus persica var nucipersica) and cattle manure significantly boosts the productivity (g / m²) of durum wheat (Tritucum durum) of the Hedba 3 variety. (g / m²) increased by 282% and 275%, respectively, compared with the control. However, the presence of earthworms with BRF and manure (BRFFV) favors more the production of fresh aerial biomass (pFa (g / m²), This study on the contribution of Fragmented Ramial Wood (BRF) is very interesting futuristic for the in fact, it has shown that the BRF is an energy input for the species Octodrilus complanatus.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Biologie et Ecologie Végétale : Gestion Durable des Écosystèmes et Protection de L’environnement
dc.subject Sol
dc.subject Fertilité
dc.subject Agroécologie
dc.subject Gestion des déchets
dc.subject Valorisation
dc.subject Bois Raméals Fragmentés (BRF)
dc.subject Biologie du sol
dc.subject Biostimulation
dc.subject blé dur
dc.subject Microarthropodes
dc.subject Vers de terre anéciques
dc.subject Soil
dc.subject Soil
dc.subject Fertility
dc.subject Agroecology
dc.subject Waste management
dc.subject Fragmented Ramial Wood (BRF)
dc.subject soil biology Biostimulation
dc.subject Durum wheat
dc.subject Microarthropods
dc.subject Anecic earthworms
dc.subject التربة
dc.subject الخصوبة
dc.subject إیكولوجیا الزراعة
dc.subject إدارة النفایات
dc.subject التثمین
dc.subject الخشب المجزأ (BRF)
dc.subject علم الأحیاء التربة تحفیز حیوي
dc.subject القمح الصلب
dc.subject مفصلیات الارجل المجھریة
dc.subject دیدان الأرض
dc.title Biostimulation des sols cultives par apport de bois rameal fragmente (BRF) et de fumier.
dc.type Thesis

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