Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

اثر فعل التداخل بين + Kو + Naعلى الكفاءة الامتصاصية للعناصر الغذائية و انعكاس ذلك على نمو و تطور صنفين وراثيين لنبات الفلفل الحلو . Capsicum annuum Lتحت ظروف التوتر الملحي.

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dc.contributor.author بوعصابة, كريمة
dc.contributor.author شوقي, سعيدة
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T09:10:43Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T09:10:43Z
dc.date.issued 2019-10-29
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/4954
dc.description.abstract Soil salinity or irrigation water is a constant threat to the survival of garden crops in general and to sweet peppers in particular. Then the selection of adaptive or salinity tolerant types is the best solution to this problem. The aim of this study is to know the mechanisms of adaptation and sensitivity to salinity during the germination phase, seedling growth and flowering stage. Two sweet pepper varieties of Capsicum annuum L. (Super marconi and Marconi) were treated with three different saline concentrations (25-50-150 mmol / l) NaCl, in addition to the control (0 mM / L). was repeated four times and so the experiment contained 32 experimental units The total chlorophyll content of chl (T) in the seedling growth stage outweighs the effect of the specific action of saline treatments on the T, L, EP, IP, LPI, SF, NF, REG plant. TG) were affected by the decline in physiological indicators (PS, PF, TER, IS) (K), chl (b), chl (T) and carotenoids (car).) In response to salinity, there was an increasing in the content of amylase (Pro), Pro (R), Polysaccharides and Suc (F), Suc (R) to avoid high cytotoxicity and Na + toxicity. Salinity also affected the anatomical structure of the stems and roots of both cultivars during both phases of seedling growth and stage of flowering. Where have led to increased skin cells and deformation of some mostly in high concentrations of salt cells (50 and 150 mM / l), a shortage of the crust layer and decreased thickness of the vascular cylinder by increasing saline concentrations. Cultivar Super marconi has prevailed in each general Indicators on the Marconi class that has recorded a drop in its indicators, which is a measure of the behavior of the class and the sensible resistance and it concluded that the variety Super Marconi and more resistant to salinity compared to the variety Marconi .
dc.language.iso ar
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject البيولوجيا وعلم البيئة النباتية:التنوع الحيوي و الإنتاج
dc.subject النباتي
dc.subject الصنف
dc.subject الملوحة
dc.subject التأقلم
dc.subject الحساسية
dc.subject Salinity
dc.subject Adaptation
dc.subject Sensibility
dc.subject Capsicum annuum L.
dc.subject Salinité
dc.subject Variété
dc.subject Sensibilité
dc.title اثر فعل التداخل بين + Kو + Naعلى الكفاءة الامتصاصية للعناصر الغذائية و انعكاس ذلك على نمو و تطور صنفين وراثيين لنبات الفلفل الحلو . Capsicum annuum Lتحت ظروف التوتر الملحي.
dc.type Thesis

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