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Biodiversité des microarthropodes litéricoles (Hexapoda; Collembola) de quelques localités du Nord-Est algérien.

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dc.contributor.author Bendjaballah, Mohamed
dc.contributor.author Hamra Kroua, Salah
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T08:57:08Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T08:57:08Z
dc.date.issued 2019-01-16
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/4808
dc.description.abstract The prospection of eight (08) localities of the North-East of Algeria belonging to three bioclimatic stages allows us to carry out a series of samplings in the edaphic environments. Samples analyzed at the laboratory of Biosystematics and arthropods ecology. The fauna encountered is composed of 89 species belonging to the four orders of known Collembola, to 17 families and 51 genera. The predominance of the Poduromorpha order with 43 species constitutes a remarkable character of this fauna. 24 species are reported here for the first time in Algeria including Isotomurus sp., Proisotoma sp. and Pseudosinella sp. 1, all three harvested at Collo, are new to Science and are being described. Among the eight localities surveyed, it is from the Collo forest that most of the species harvested and identified are found, ie 72 species. The richness of the Neanuridae massif is much greater than that of most other Mediterranean regions (excluding Corsica) sampled significantly. Diversity indices indicate that Oued Z'hor is the richest station among the four stations surveyed at Collo. Another major interest of this faunistic study is the discovery of biogeographically unexpected taxa, in particular Sensillanura austriaca with its unusual ""Collo - Northern Alps"" disjunction model. A common species in our samples that can be new has been described and drawn. This description revealed that the species may be related to the species Heteromurus tetrophthalmus Börner, 1903 of Sicily, insufficiently described and considered for more than 30 years as a synonym of H. nitidus Templeton, 1836. Today, this work makes the Collo Massif one of the richest sites in Algeria for the diversity of its fauna. It also illustrates the extent of geographical gaps in the knowledge of this Algerian fauna.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Biologie Animale:Biodiversité et Ecologie des Arthropodes
dc.subject Biodiversité
dc.subject faunistique
dc.subject Collemboles
dc.subject Nord-Est algérien
dc.subject Biodiversity
dc.subject Faunistic
dc.subject Springtails
dc.subject North-eastern Algeria
dc.subject التنوع الحيوي
dc.subject الحيوانية
dc.subject شمال شرق الجزائر
dc.title Biodiversité des microarthropodes litéricoles (Hexapoda; Collembola) de quelques localités du Nord-Est algérien.
dc.type Thesis

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