This social
pragmatic study helps us to a
nswer the social representation‟s question
between two sexes in the domain of negotiation and selling new cars. We
concentrate our analysis on the language of user of language that produces meanings
and effects in communicative context.
According to the re
sults obtained, we could conclude that: laugh, interruption,
adjustment, deviation and subordination are elements that characterize feminine
We have said also that with these elements perlocutionary value of woman language
makes weak.
For adjustm
ents, results reveal that they make a higher number in mixed exchanges,
which that transform mixed negotiation in a group of adjustments, we suppose that
is due to culture and what it learns to persons since childhood.
Similarly, we find that woman subordi
nates here words to man but man is rarely
when he subordinates his words, but when he do it, he subordinates his words to the
For interruptions, we have observed that women are the more interrupted, after
women interruptions generally we find a
Language reflects sexist mentalities and transmits them, for this it is not enable to
move sexual differentiations. Every one, man or woman, see himself imposed
different ways of talking (lexicon, syntax and pronunciation ) and he sees himself
represented differently in language (designated, abused or erased )
Because of combination of ideas that are originated from culture and social rules,
women language in show rooms is short of power and perlocutionary value.