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La révision dans la rédaction conversationnelle

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dc.contributor.author Assila ép Sahli, Wided
dc.contributor.author Cherrad Benchefra, Yasmina
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T08:04:29Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T08:04:29Z
dc.date.issued 2020-12-13
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/3586
dc.description.abstract Our research work concerns the strategies and the operations of revision used by the French students of the second year of license's degree), at the university of Jijel during the interactive writing of an argumentatif text. It is not a question of listing the modifications made to the draft copy, but rather of studying the mobilization, in real time, various operations and strategies which are underlying in these modifications. Our corpus established mainly by six interactive writings will be the object of a double analysis, qualitative and qualitative. The qualitative analysis will allow us to define the strategies and the operations of revision, to specify the textual level and the location (localization) of the various changes in all the phases of the drafting. It will also allow us to see the gradual construction, in time and in space, each segment of the text. The qualitative analysis will allow us to see the frequency of use of strategies and operations of revision and clarify what are the more or less recurrent.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Langue Française: Didactique
dc.subject révision
dc.subject stratégie
dc.subject opération
dc.subject processus
dc.subject rédaction conversationnelle
dc.subject revision
dc.subject strategy
dc.subject operation
dc.subject process
dc.subject interactive writing
dc.subject المراجعة
dc.subject الإستراتيجية
dc.subject العملية
dc.subject (الكتابة الحوارية (الكتابة الجماعية
dc.title La révision dans la rédaction conversationnelle
dc.title opérations et stratégies développées par des étudiants de 2ème année de licence de français.
dc.type Thesis

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