Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

L’ecriture de l’espace dans les romans de Malika Mokeddem et de Leila Sebbar.

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dc.contributor.author Boucheffa, Souheïla
dc.contributor.author Logbi, Farida
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T08:04:17Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T08:04:17Z
dc.date.issued 2020-01-28
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/3582
dc.description.abstract Space, today captures all the attentions, those of the writers, those of the critics, but also those of the university researchers. It is, driven by this central concern of space, that we conduct this doctoral research LMD, entitled The writing of space in the novels of Malika Mokeddem and Leila Sebbar taking as corpus four novels: The forbidden and the desiring of Malika Mokeddem, and I do not speak the language of my father and the silence of the banks of Leila Sebbar. The titles, being often very revealing, a space is devoted to them to begin this study, through the vast semantic fields of the prohibition, the desire, the ignorance of the language of its own father and the silence which follows that this modest research has tried to make talk. Space, through these novels, comes in various forms and substances, geographical, symbolic, mental, nostalgic, linguistic. The geographical space is represented mainly by the desert, the dune, the sea, for Malika Mokeddem and her heroin-narratives, Sultana and Shamsa, daughters of the sun and the desert, both luminous and freedom-loving as only know how to be the natives of these great spaces where horizons recede constantly, where mirages allow all dreams. For Leila Sebbar, the house, the balcony, the street, welcome her heroines voluntarily locked in silent and protective interiors. As for the symbolic space, for Malika Mokeddem the sea and the dune invest her massively. The sea, in this case the Mediterranean sea, an area of adventure, but also of death and collective mourning, with the Harragas, a newly emerging population category that never ceases to be talked about. The desert, Kenadsa, a space of nostalgia and dreams to infinity. For Leila Sebbar, ignorance of her father's language, and the function of teacher of this same father, constitute an in-between and a place of painful nostalgia. The term space also covers two activities that are essential for men, reading and writing, both refuge and places of dreams, and unparalleled outlets and places of protest and self-assertion
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Langue Française: Analyse du discours et Littératures
dc.subject Représentation de l’espace
dc.subject Malika Mokeddem
dc.subject Malika Mokeddem
dc.subject Leila Sebbar
dc.subject Littérature algérienne d’expression française
dc.subject Rives et Méditerranée
dc.subject Representation of space
dc.subject Francophone Algerian literature
dc.subject Shores and Meditteranean
dc.subject تمثيل الفضاء
dc.subject مليكة مقدم
dc.subject ليلى صبار
dc.subject الأدب الجزائري المعبر باللغة الفرنسية
dc.subject جانبي البحر الأبيض المتوسط
dc.title L’ecriture de l’espace dans les romans de Malika Mokeddem et de Leila Sebbar.
dc.type Thesis

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