Our work consists of showing that the writings of Saint-Exupéry intertwine, at the same time, stories of adventures, set of memories and philosophical utterances superbly linked to an overall structure which conveys human values. Through the narrative gesture, he often remembers his memories to which he mixes his philosophical mediations. The humanist writer was, in fact, often anxious to give a moral and spiritual significance to human activity, and he wanted himself an educator. We show each time his didactic and moral intention, if not moralistic. In each novel of our corpus, we discover the personality of the writer-aviator where the thinker and the man of action reconcile. For Saint-Exupery, literature could not be reduced to an exercise of style, but had to be nourished by the meditation of a conscience. Among the writings of Saint-Exupery who transmit to us both the experience and the wisdom and on which we carry out this research: