In this study, we were interested in the relationship literature / History in El-Euldj, Captif des Barbaresques of Shukri Khodja; L'Opium et le Bâton of Mouloud Mammeri and Peurs et Mensonges of Aïssa Khelladi.
It is about a novelistic production in which the literary achievement supports the political discourse. We are dealing with a real mid-chronic, half-fictionalized commonality of Algeria and that lack of social and political commitment. A literature, eager to break the fence of the field and be at the service of a cause. Shukri Khodja, Mouloud Mammeri and Aïssa Khelladi, designed and used their writings to serve political ambitions. Their works intend to claim freedom and dignity. It is required the restoration of ethics, the cult of excellence, social and moral welfare.
The writers of our corpus, as well as, other Algerian writers are part of this long tradition of French-language Algerian literature that often responds to multiple historical emergencies faced by Algeria.