Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

أثر النقد الانجلو-امريكي الجديد في النقد العربي المعاصر

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dc.contributor.author دواس, احسن
dc.contributor.author وغليسي, يوسف
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-23T10:38:23Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-23T10:38:23Z
dc.date.issued 2016-12-07
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/3072
dc.description.abstract This thesis dealt with the study of one of the most important Western schools of literary criticism in the twentieth century, which was characterized by its revolution on the other categories of cash curriculum that preceded it such as impressionist criticism and historical, social and it focused on the idea of a return to the intrinsic and to the analysis of the literary text and especially poems as a linguistic pure entity and put out everything else, starting from the author and his biography and his environment and finishing with end the reader and his potential impact in the text. In order to understand the essence of the school of new criticism this study tried to lighten the way through the study of intellectual and philosophical backgrounds of its apostles and that contributed to the crystallization of its components as a aesthetic philosophy of Croce, and the imagism of Ezra Pound, and the poetics of Aristotle, and romanticism of Coleridge and other references that the school built on them its rules in order to highlight as an distinct critical approach which was the leader in the rigorous analysis of literary text based on new mechanisms and presents new elements such as close reading, tension in the poetry, and the paradox of language, ambiguity, and organic unity, and the intentional fallacy and affective fallacy, the objective correlative and so on. The new criticism arouse as an influential school through different visions among them we find: the Analytical criticism of Cleanth Brooks, the ontological criticism of John Crowe Ransom, the verbal analysis of I. A. Richards and Blackmore, and Frank Leavis, the types of ambiguity of William Empson, and the objective criticism of T.S Eliot. And to identify the subject of this research I have to follow the path of the school in its original Anglo-American environment and then its migration to the Arab environment. On the basis of this bilateral vision there was in front of the researcher two important missions the first was to take in all the categories of school in both the English and the American tides, these statements that have shaped the visions of the school and made of it a unique critical approach with its independent status and its own extensions. And this what makes which make the new criticism a school that controlled the West scene of literary criticism over more of seventy years. The second mission was to track the impact of this school in the Arab critical discourse, through the study of the different factors in the migration of ideas and theories from a specific milieu to another one such as translation and scientific missions and Orientalism. And finally the study the manifestations of the effect of this school on Arab critics; so many attempts appeared to adopt the principles of the school or to bring up its spirit such as the objective ;method in Rashad Rushdi and the internal vision of Anas Daoud and artistic vision of Abdul-Aziz Eldesouki. One of the most important results of this research is that the school of the new criticism is the one that paved the way to the emergence of almost all the other textual literary methods such as structuralism, semiotics, and deconstruction, etc. which they directly derived from the ideas and views and the proposals of new critics.
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject النقد الجديد
dc.subject الموضوعية
dc.subject المعادل الموضوعي
dc.subject التحليل النصاني
dc.subject الشكلانية
dc.subject رانسم
dc.subject بروكس
dc.subject ريتشاردز
dc.subject إليوت
dc.subject New criticism
dc.subject Objectivism
dc.subject Objective correlative
dc.subject nouvelle critique
dc.subject l'objectivisme
dc.subject objectif corrélatif
dc.title أثر النقد الانجلو-امريكي الجديد في النقد العربي المعاصر
dc.type Thesis

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