dc.description.abstract |
This research goes into two pragmatic aspects of the Koranic narrative discourse by studying speech acts annd argumentation in the stories of both prophets Ibrahim and Yusuf -Peace be upon them-.
In the first part of the study, speech acts appearing in the above stories are classified in
tables revealing their different types, purposes and illocutionary force according to Searle's
taxonomy: assertives, directives, commissives, expressives and declarations.
Taking the verses context as a basis, the study examines the use of these acts and the way they occured. It also defines the speech act through its explicit and implicit illocutionary force (direct and indirect). Then, it examines the literal meaning -expressed in the form of a sentence- which involves the propositional content and the explicit illocutionary force which is expressed with a verb. The literal or explicit meaning is formed by the combination of the content and the explicit illocutionary force.
Along the same lines, the research deals with the implicit meaning of the verses which is composed of two sub-meanings: conventional and conversation meanings.
The second part studies the different rhetorical, linguistic and logical argumentative strategies in the two stories. First, it shows various rhetorical figures and how well their argumentative value is achieved within this unique narration. Then, it focuses on linguistic argumentative strategies such as connectives (in addition to argumentative factors and their argumentative function). Finally, it deals with logical argumentative strategies like syllogism which plays a role in convincing others. |