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تجربة "عمارة لخوص" الروائية من منظور جماليات "القراءة والتلقي"

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dc.contributor.author بولفوس زهيرة
dc.contributor.author العلمي أحلام
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-23T10:38:11Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-23T10:38:11Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/3064
dc.description 423 ورقة.
dc.description.abstract The present study which is entitled “ the novelist experience of Amara LAKHWAS from the perspective of the aesthetics of reading and receiving” studies two important units, the first one follows the features of experimentation in the path of the Algerian novelist experience, right down to focus on what is made by the Algerian immigrants “ Amara Lakhwas “ through his novels ” How to suckle from lupus without biting you” and “ The Little Cairo “ which form a revolt against the previous narrative experiences that stood at the borders of realism and history and they change the prevailing through simulating the other. While the second unit is concerned with the procedures made by the procedures made by the newest and latest contemporary critical theories, the theory of “ reading and receiving “, pointing out the different points that differentiate it from its predecessors, focusing on the relationship that combine all the literary text and the reader , based on the actions made by both “ Lyawas” and “ Izer” , who despite their different proposals; however, they had agreed in their orientation, they put their attention on the reader and how they receive the literary text. Based on what has been said, this research based on luring the theory of “ reading and receiving” and its application on the novelist experience of “Amara Lkhwas” to show the principle of communication and interaction between the poles of the creative process (the text and the reader), so, the plan of the present research is built on an entrance, an introduction , three parts and six chapters and a conclusion, upon which the research is based to clarify the path of the Algerian contemporary novelist experience in part one represented in the experience of “ Amara Lakhwas”, passing through the second part through which the meaning is based on continuing the literary with the different reader in his reading from one period to another, through focusing on the application of Yaws’ procedures in the novel “ The Little Cairo”, right down to the third part in which memorizes the product of meaning through the interactive relationship that combines both the literary text and the reader, through the application of the mechanisms that are provided by “ Izer” in the novel “How to suckle from lupus without biting you” This research study is based on his study on the approach “ reading and receiving”, "reading and receiving," according to what is provided by "Iyawas" and "Laser" as procedures, concluding a number of results which reflect the product to meet the reader by the two novels which are able to impose on him the freedom to interact with them, based on the pluralism of readings and interpretations of the text, along with the open end of the two novels, which opened in front of the reader interpretive multiple perspectives on the events and the fate of the characters.
dc.format 30 سم.
dc.language.iso ara
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject الأدب العربي
dc.subject الأدب العربي
dc.title تجربة "عمارة لخوص" الروائية من منظور جماليات "القراءة والتلقي"
dc.coverage 2نسخ موجودة مكتبة المركزية

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