Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

شعر غزوات النبي (صلى الله عليه و سلم) جمع و دراسة في الرؤية والأداة

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dc.contributor.author كاتب حسن
dc.contributor.author قبايلي حميد
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-23T10:37:20Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-23T10:37:20Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/3036
dc.description 705 ورقة.
dc.description.abstract "Poetry has pictured historical Battles of the Islamic state after the ""Battle of Badr"", also recorded the construction of these young state after the raids: ""Ahzab, i.e. parties"" and ""Quraizah"", and became a sovereign state after ""Hudaibiya"", and have grown in strength after the conquests , also turned out to be a strong state imposed its presence internally and externally after ""the conquest of Mecca"" and ""Hunain"" and ""Taif"" and ""Tabuk"", thus synchronizing the movement of poetry Islamic state in all stages of growing up to become a young state with the rule of her influence and authority and sovereignty. problem of the study: Based on the above assumptions my subject of research focuses on poetry of the Prophet wars from a perspective of vision and tools. - Why is vision? Because each work of art must include the position of the poet and his artistic vision through this position and machined aesthetic of this vision, and then the position of poet is necessarily specific to his artistic vision and his artistic vision necessarily specific to this attitude formation aesthetically pleasing specific aesthetic vision of art that in turn determines the position of the poet. I mean the vision when the two teams: the poets of monotheism and poets of polytheism. It is when the first team: Visualize distinct and comprehensive and integrated, depicting the parcel, and does not take aside and let another aspect, but takes all being of all creatures and materialism and spiritualism and morale but takes into account the integration in all, in the universe and in man and in life. Human characteristics and elements represent intellectual authority of the principles and teachings that came out of this great religion, and preached by the prophets Muhammad worlds, reunited under one banner of monotheism and faith. When a second team: A belief based on personal experiences and collective directions, away from the real religion of the prophetic Islam devoted to the almighty creator, Allah. 2 - And why the tool? Poetry, as a tool, poets discover their poems, and recognize the position of the poet to reality, and is also one of its standards in judging the authenticity of the experience of poetry, and the ability of the poet to set up in a way that the recipient experience and have fun at the same time. And we wonder: Is language a tool of poetry and can therefore be cognitively separated between poetry and its tool? Or that poetry is in essence the same language so you cannot separate them, and therefore do not exist outside the scope of the meaning of the poetic language systems? my study Revolved around two parts: Part I: I went in my care Part I invasions on the study of poetry in the vision and the tool. The distribution of this section on the five chapters: I mentioned in the first chapter, which is an introductory chapter to a number of issues, perhaps the most important: the concept of vision and the fact that the Islamic vision of the creator of the universe and man and life, and the vision of ignorance of the Creator of the universe and human life, as I pointed out to the creed of paganism deployed at the time of the worship of idols in the Arab tribes, and other religions before the advent of Islam. And dealt with in Chapter II: Building a poem invasions, in terms of the introduction and diversity: graying and young people, described the spectrum, described the night and worries .. and get rid of this poem with models and examples, and finally, I referred to a good end and types in this poem with models and examples. The third chapter appropriated to talk about some of the linguistic phenomena in poetry invasions, and the focus was on two phenomena are prominent: the war of words and the phenomenon of the quotation from the Koran. As addressed in Chapter IV: poetic image in the poetry of invasions, and focused on graphic imaging in this poetry, to the image metaphoric picture, and I pointed to the eloquence of this poetic image and its manifestations in the poetry of invasions. In the fifth chapter dealt Music poetry invasions through some of the phenomena of the musical highlights of this poetry perhaps the most important: the study of the seas common and traded in this poetry, and focused in rhyme character McElroy, also addressed in the internal music:, and alliteration and some necessities noodles. 3 Par t II: And to collect a blog poetry invasions, and has allocated a gateway which dealt with: the sources of this poetry historical, literary, and spoke about the vision of Quranic poetry and his mission, then prophetic vision of the poetry and its mission, also addressed what has been said of the poems in the invasions of the Prophet , and arranged invasions in chronological order, and ruled out Those invasions, which have not shifted poetry, and paved each foray brief historical summary on each foray, as translated poets each foray, and appended Blog catalogs of different art. REMARK: I have chosen to precede the study on collection unlike in the dissertation title because I think that the study is worthwhile and it reflects the hard work and the real personality of the researcher also it clearly shows his own touch in the academic investigation then later on comes the documentary. And I hope conclusion to be studying this episode added to a series of serious studies, which focused on our heritage old Arab, though I hope to enrich corrections gentlemen professors, members of the scientific committee in charge of command to discuss this letter various, and shed floodlights on what of deficiencies not without including any human action, and no doubt that it will provide a valuable opportunity for me to be corrected and what remedy the shortage, hardcopy form to the optimum extent possible, and perfect for the creator of human beings, alone, no one else. And the duty to recognize the dictates of gratitude to my teacher noted supervisor Prof. Dr. Hacene kateb Under his direction and brilliant writer and minute desire to be a part of this study, serious studies and careful Heritage, thanking God his quest and hit his footsteps and illuminated his path. To my teachers and distinguished members of the Committee for discussion all - without exception - extend sincere greetings coupled with sincere gratitude, and immense gratitude efficiency diligence in tracking the minutes contained in the widow's mite, which in their hands."
dc.format 30 سم
dc.language.iso ara
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.title شعر غزوات النبي (صلى الله عليه و سلم) جمع و دراسة في الرؤية والأداة
dc.coverage 2نسخ موجودة مكتبة المركزية

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