Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

The Impact of simulation activities on listening and speaking proficiency development

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dc.contributor.author Chergui, Karima
dc.contributor.author Hamada, Hacène
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-23T10:22:37Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-23T10:22:37Z
dc.date.issued 2018-04-19
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/2620
dc.description.abstract In the light of the increasing demand on communication, the motor of international integration, oral communication has particularly become the foremost concern of English language teachers. Simulation is considered one of the most potential activities; teachers apply, to activate learners’ speaking and listening in the interaction process. The present research investigates the impact of simulation activities on the teaching and learning of speaking and listening at the Department of Letters and the English Language, University of Frères Mentouri, Constantine 1. Indeed, this thesis sheds light on the students’ perception of the benefits and challenges they encounter through simulation as well as teachers’ views and recommendations for exploiting this activity in second year EFL classrooms. We hypothesize, then, that when teachers apply simulation technique; this would develop second year EFL students’ listening and speaking proficiency. We also hypothesize that applying simulation teaching technique would stimulate students’ positive attitudes and interest. A sample pre and post-test comparison study was used as a research methodology. In addition, this study is based on a questionnaire that was distributed to 40 second year students of English. The results reveal that the mean of communicative speaking testing scores in the post-test was significantly higher than in the pre-test at .05 significant level with (t = 2.90) in Exp. G. 1 and (t= 3.57) in Exp. G. 2. The first hypothesis is is consequently confirmed with slight reservation about listening improvement which does not allow complete confirmation of the first hypothesis. The Second hypothesis is validated as over 80% of students in both experimental groups held positive attitudes towards simulation activities. Besides, most of the teachers acknowledged their positive impact on students’ performance and the classroom environment. Suggestions and recommendations are made as to how to improve and maximise the teaching and learning advantages using simulation technique.
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Les activités de simulation
dc.subject la compétence d’écoute
dc.subject la compétence de la parole
dc.subject Simulation activities
dc.subject the speaking proficiency
dc.subject the listening proficiency
dc.subject أنشطة المحاكاة
dc.subject كفاءة التحدث
dc.subject كفاءة الاستماع
dc.title The Impact of simulation activities on listening and speaking proficiency development
dc.title An experimental study of second year students of English at the University of Frères Mentouri, Constantine 1.
dc.title.alternative An experimental study of second year students of English at the University of Frères Mentouri, Constantine 1
dc.type Thesis

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