We have touched on the subject of this research the legal system to
exploit the riches of the seabed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of
national jurisdiction of States and the term international zone, this zone is
considered by international law and by the international community and its
riches legacy Gentile, We have tried through this research drew attention to
the importance of this region both economically, environmental or even for
military expansion and diversity of living and non-living wealth by making
a point of international ambitions unless treated as other international issues
by processed part XI of Montego bay 1982 through the adoption of a legal
system is structured for the exploitation of non-living wealth in this region,
regulates all operations from exploration and drilling down to the extraction
process and distribution, as well as the competent authority for such
exploitation, including mechanisms to ensure smooth operation, always in
accordance with the platform for action and specific conditions to ensure for
such exploitation, jurisdiction in disputes concerning this issue.
The part XI of the United Nations Convention on the law of the Sea
1982, and so the agreement relating to the implementation of this part else if
it make many changes in some fundamental rules , have consider developing
States and taking into account the interests of industrialized countries,
seeking to protect and establish the true meaning of the common heritage of
humanity and this will be achieved by the effective application of the system
of exploitation of the riches of the seabed and the ocean floor beyond the
limits of national jurisdiction of States established by the Convention of
Montego bay.