"The activities of remote sensing from Outer Space using satellite
became the Twenty-first century of the most important achievement of
space applications, in order to serve the large side and the economic
development of the countries, as well as the development of the
political side to strengthen cooperation international among the
existing sensing and sensed states, and thus created a sort of balance
between the developed world our the under developed world, and also
contributed to the development of international Space law and Space
techniques related to it by the United Nations and other International
Organizations its affiliates .
But the spread of the application of these activities, appeared
certion effects created an atmosphere of non-equilibrium between
states in part, pracical state sovereignty emotion sensed them and
exposed their economies at risk, as well as the threat to its national
security through the use of these activities from Outer Space that does
not control it from any quarter, thus emerged from the adverse effects
on all countries, especially developing ones next to the positive effects
– which played a role in the service of humanity- that afternoon
international attention the need to enclose these activities in the spirit
of international responsibility states have the menu and even by the
private sector, by identifying the real charge for potential damages
resulting from the use data, information and images captured by the
use of these activities.
But along with these activities remains positive dominant in the
international arena evidenced by the lack of objection to registration
of any state, the spread used in many aspects produced mega-projects
to serve the international community, both developed and developing
countries .