dc.contributor.author |
بوعون, نضال |
dc.contributor.author |
طاشور, عبد الحفيظ |
dc.date.accessioned |
2022-05-23T10:01:47Z |
dc.date.available |
2022-05-23T10:01:47Z |
dc.date.issued |
2014 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/2224 |
dc.description |
242 ورقة. |
dc.description.abstract |
Countries in the past era were sharing regions of the globe among themselves as unique to each country whose territory the private and which consists of land and sea and above it the space and
make its power and sovereignty without taking into account the weak states, where the rapid development of communities enjoined the jurists and the men of the law calling for making an organization to these Territories and the distinction between what belongs to the state,
imposes its authority and sovereignty and what is an element or a range shared by all the countries, especially in claims of major countries explored for that era to impose its sovereignty over the high seas. And the first one who faced these allegations was the Dutch legist ""Hugo Grotius"" in his research titled: ""Sea free"" in 1609 and then followed by a series of conventions and international treaties such as the Convention of Geneva of the seas for the year 1958 and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982, and it is the latter codifying to those articles that the traditional international law takes its minimum necessary conditions only Especially.
After the success of the former Soviet Union in the launch of ""Sputnik"" in 1957, it was the first turning point for mankind, where this new mutation necessitates a legal regime to organize it and which were the subject of global interest new perspectives to humanity at large, which led to the development of legal rules governing this area as wide a common right of all nations exploration and exploitation with an absolute freedom, taking into account the interests of other
countries and the elimination of the idea of ownership and possession to him in various ways. It has been codifying these areas by conventions and international treaties, worked to organize it exactly and basing on the public interest of mankind, starting from Outer Space Treaty for the year 1967 then the Convention on the Rescue of Astronauts and the return of Objects Launched into space in 1968, added to it the Convention of the International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects Launched in 1972, after the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space in 1975, followed by several charters and international principles in this regard. |
dc.format |
30 سم. |
dc.language.iso |
ar |
dc.publisher |
Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 |
dc.subject |
القانون العام: القانون الدولي العام |
dc.subject |
المجال البحري المشترك أعالي البحار |
dc.subject |
حریة الملاحة و التحلیق |
dc.subject |
وضع الكابلات وٕاقامة الجزر الاصطناعیة |
dc.subject |
الصید و البحث العلمي |
dc.subject |
نظام البحر العالي |
dc.subject |
القرصنة |
dc.subject |
الاتجار الغیرمشروع للمخدارت |
dc.subject |
المطاردة الحثیثة |
dc.subject |
حظر تجارة الرقیق |
dc.subject |
التراث المشترك لإنسانیة |
dc.subject |
البیئة البحریة |
dc.subject |
تسویة منازعات البحث العلمي البحري |
dc.subject |
النظام القانوني للفضاء الخارجي.الأجرام السماوی |
dc.subject |
رسم حدود الفضاء الخارجي |
dc.subject |
استغلال الفضاء الخارجي |
dc.subject |
رواد الفضاء |
dc.subject |
المركبات الفضائي |
dc.subject |
الدولة المطلقة |
dc.subject |
المسؤولیة الدولیة |
dc.subject |
اللجنة الفرعیة القانونیة للاستخدام السلمي للفضاء الخارجي |
dc.subject |
الاتصالات والبث |
dc.subject |
الأقمار الصناعیة |
dc.subject |
اللجنة الدولیة لتسجیل |
dc.subject |
Domain maritime communes des hautes mers |
dc.subject |
la liberté de navigation et de survol |
dc.subject |
mettre les câbles et la creation d'îles artificielles |
dc.subject |
la pêche et de la recherche scientifique |
dc.subject |
la haute mer |
dc.subject |
la piraterie |
dc.subject |
du commerce |
dc.subject |
illicite de drogues |
dc.subject |
La haut poursuite |
dc.subject |
interdire le commerce des esclaves |
dc.subject |
le patrimoine commun de l'humanité |
dc.subject |
environnement marin |
dc.subject |
Résolution des différends de la recherche scientifique marine |
dc.subject |
le système juridique de l'espace extra-atmosphérique |
dc.subject |
Orbs |
dc.subject |
dessiner les frontières de l'espace |
dc.subject |
l'exploitation de l'espace |
dc.subject |
astronautes-Vaisseaux spatiaux |
dc.subject |
la responsabilité internationale de l’ État |
dc.subject |
Sous-Comité juridique de l'utilisation pacifique de l'espace extra-atmosphérique |
dc.subject |
satellites de communication et de radiodiffusion |
dc.subject |
Commission internationale pour l'enregistrement des fréquences |
dc.subject |
Commission internationale pour l'enregistrement des fréquences |
dc.subject |
télédétection-les principes de la télédétection |
dc.subject |
Maritime space joint high seas |
dc.subject |
Maritime space joint high seas |
dc.subject |
freedom of navigation and flight |
dc.subject |
put the cables and the establishment of artificial islands |
dc.subject |
fishing and scientific research |
dc.subject |
the higt sea - piracy |
dc.subject |
illicit trade of drugs |
dc.subject |
hot pursuit |
dc.subject |
prohibition of the slave trade |
dc.subject |
the common heritage of humanity |
dc.subject |
the marine environment |
dc.subject |
the settlement of disputes |
dc.subject |
marine scientific research |
dc.subject |
the legal regime of outer space |
dc.subject |
drawing limits of outer space |
dc.subject |
the exploitation of outer space |
dc.subject |
astronauts |
dc.subject |
spacecraft |
dc.subject |
launching State |
dc.subject |
international responsibility |
dc.subject |
the Legal Subcommittee of the peaceful use of outer space |
dc.subject |
telecommunications and broadcasting |
dc.subject |
satellites |
dc.subject |
International Commission for the registration of frequencies |
dc.subject |
remote sensing |
dc.subject |
the principles of remote sensing |
dc.title |
المناطق المشتركة في ظل القانون الدولي العام |
dc.title.alternative |
أعالي البحار و الفضاء الخارجي. |
dc.type |
Thesis |
dc.coverage |
2نسخ موجودة مكتبة المركزية |