The problem of this thesis revolves around the study of the concept of investment and its deployments in Algerian law. Law appropriated this notion that is economic in its essence and dedicated he instruments of different natures. Each of them has come up with a definition that takes into account the goals assigned to the instrument. International law, international law bilateral, but also domestic law, gives, each for what concerns, one different from the concept of investment approach. Then, in its deployments, the concept of investment in Algerian law comes mainly through the law of 20 August 2001 on the development of the
investment that divides itself into two separate sub-schemes: the general system, dedicated to current investments in non-excluded activities of the benefits, and a derogation system, dedicated to investment in areas requiring a particular contribution from the state and those having an ecological or economic interest in the country, and which give rise to negotiation of benefits under a convention.