Flax (Linium usitatissium) is an annual plant of the linaceae family with several biological
The aim of this study was to investigate its effectiveness on the healing of experimental burns
in rabbits and on hair growth process. Then its safety was evaluated through the observation of some
clinical, biochemical and anatomo-pathological aspects.
Results showed that the process of surface reduction of burn wounds treated with linseed oil
was significantly faster and greater. These wounds showed more thinning of the epidermis and more
neovascularization of granulation tissue suitable to good tissue regeneration. These findings confirm
that linseed oil may be suggested as a promising treatment for burns.
After 4 weeks of use, linseed oil topical application has a significant positive effect on hair
width and weight. Similarly, the linseed supplementation showed a significant beneficial effect on hair
width. This effect appeared at the 12th week of ingestion, and stopped 04 weeks after supplementation
withdraw with a sharp decrease in hair weight. Both seed and oil had no significant positive effect on
hair length. These results suggest that flaxseed oil has some hair growth promoting potential.
However, the mechanism of action, and the plant component(s) responsible of this activity, should be
A slight improvement in weight gain was recorded in rabbits belonging to the group with
flaxseed supplementation. Additionally, their glycemia and cholesterolemia were low. No
morphological or histological lesions were observed in their livers or the kidneys as well as no
modifications in their serum hepatic and renal marker enzymes (for liver and kidney damage) l’ALAT,
l’ASAT, Creatinemia and Uremia.. These findings confirm again the safety of prolonged linseed
Finally, further studies must be conducted to investigate other virtues of this plant in order to
give it its rightful place in the modern pharmacology.