The horse, who is a noble kind occupying a prestigious status, and for whom it would be
interesting to put in the disposition of the veterinarians in Algeria, a usual values which can be
interesting in the early detection of different illness and deseas.
The first one part of this study consists in marking a synthesis of the bibliographic data of
some hematological and ionic parameters at the horse. The second part which is experimental
is divided into two; the first studies a lot of hematological (RBC, Hb, Htc, MCH, MCHC,
TRBC, WBC, Neu %, Eos %, Baso %, Lym % and Mono %) and ionic (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg
and P), then analyses the effects of the diffrent factors (age, breed, sex and mode of use) on
these studied parameters.
On the whole, all stocks are in physiological norms, except the chlorine and the magnesium
which are higher, the sodium with a little more spread interval and with the calcium witch is
lower than normal. The influence of the factors is not marked except for white cells, calcium
and phosphorus who differ significantly according to the age group.
The second shutter which is based on the study of effect season on explored parameters,
shows that there is a season effect on some of them ; the haemoglobin and the hematocrit are
correlated with winter season, the magnesium with summer season. Over the year, an
eosinophilia in spring and neutrophilia in autumn are noted. As for ions, hypocalcemia is
marked in winter, hypochloremia in spring and summer and a progressive decrease of the
magnesium throughout the year.