Japanese quail is a very interesting bird. Thus, this research was undertaken to determine feed formulas specific to it (at the different production stages) by partially substituting soy with locally produced cheaper protein-crops.
Each formula contains either of the entire Faba beans, treated Faba beans or peas for forage at several substitution levels: 10, 20 or 30% of the ration.
The results showed that quails of batches that received treated Faba beans have recorded the best performances (growth and laying) in comparison with those of the other groups. The entire Faba beans had adverse impacts especially on growth in relation with anti-nutrients. The peas for forage had close effects of 44% soybean meal, but its high fiber and average protein contents represent a limitation to its incorporation at high levels.
The substitution of soybean meal with treated Faba beans led to a hypoglycemia and a reduction of uremia with hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. The entire Faba bean conducted to the same results of hypoglycemia and decrease of uremia which were accompanied by hyperproteinemia. The peas for forage have no effect on the biochemical parameters of Coturnix japonica except a non-significant decrease of uremia.
Finally, the treated Faba bean and peas for forage could solve the import problem of soybean meal in our country, but this requires more extensive studies with higher levels of incorporation and accurate analysis of bigger number of parameters (performances, nutritional, organoleptic, biochemical, hematological and histological).