Witness the current era developed considerable technical means and
technologies of communication and information, which benefited from a
number of areas, sectors, notably education, which has invested this progress
efficiently, whether through the integration of these developments in the
traditional process or through the creation of teaching advanced integrated
depends mainly on the availability of means and technologies of
communication high quality and efficiency, which will be called many terms
and concepts such as education on-line, e-learning, distance learning, digital
learning, virtual learning and learning communities and other terms.
Have proceeded many of the Algerian universities to adopt this type of
education for the development of education and to achieve greater efficiency
and quality of the output of the educational process.
And the University of Skikda, like other Algerian universities have developed a
cell of the e-learning which is based on the establishment of a platform for elearning and the formation of both teachers and students to move to this new
style of education. The aim of this study was to investigate a broader e-learning
by the University of Skikda and the extent of its application by knowing the
ingredients and preparations created by the University of Skikda to implement
the project in addition to detection of the various problems and obstacles that
limit the use or application by the elements of the educational process.