dc.contributor.author |
العياشي بدرالدين |
dc.contributor.author |
عبادة شهرزاد |
dc.date.accessioned |
2022-05-19T10:00:19Z |
dc.date.available |
2022-05-19T10:00:19Z |
dc.date.issued |
2012-12-6 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/146 |
dc.description |
175 ورقة. |
dc.description.abstract |
This study aims to highlight the reality of the systems of
electronic information services with the emergence of the socalled information technology and its application at the
library of the Higher College of Teachers of Constantine.
The latter relies on electronic systems in some of its services.
We will also tackle the contribution of the electronic services
in the activation of the services provided by the library and
its various procedures, whether they have been developed or
exceeded. In this study, we deal with the nature of electronic
systems and electronic information services and their role in
meeting the needs of beneficiaries in terms of its procedures,
its different kinds, and its activities that relate to the
provision of information to the beneficiary in various forms.
Moreover, we highlight the impact of information
technology on the services provided by the institution under
investigation through its main features and its applications,
as well as the most important obstacles that stands as
barriers to electronic information systems and services and
that prevent them from addressing the needs of the
beneficiaries achieving what they aim to. After going
through the field study and analysing the data obtained
through the questionnaire, we have confirmed all the
research hypotheses as the electronic information services
play an active role in providing access to and meeting the
needs of the beneficiary in its various forms. |
dc.format |
30 سم. |
dc.language.iso |
ara |
dc.publisher |
Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 |
dc.subject |
علم المكتبات و المعلومات |
dc.subject |
Electronic information services |
dc.subject |
electronic systems |
dc.subject |
needs |
dc.subject |
Higher College of Teachers |
dc.subject |
library |
dc.subject |
ervices d’informations électroniques |
dc.subject |
systèmes électroniques |
dc.subject |
Besoins |
dc.subject |
bibliothèque |
dc.subject |
école normale superieure |
dc.subject |
خدمات المعلومات الإلكترونية |
dc.subject |
الأنظمة الإلكترونية |
dc.subject |
الإحتياجات |
dc.subject |
المكتبة |
dc.subject |
المدرسة العليا للأساتذة |
dc.title |
خدمات أنظمة المعلومات الإلكترونية ودورها في تلبية احتياجات المستفيدين |
dc.title.alternative |
دراسة ميدانية بمكتبة المدرسة العليا للأساتذة - قسنطينة |
dc.type |
Thesis |
dc.coverage |
مذكرة ماجستير
2نسخ موجودة في المكتبة المركزية |