المستودع الرقمي في جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1

تحديد أثر معاملات K+ على الخصائص الفيزيولوجية و الجزيئية للعقد الجذرية لنبات الفول (Vicia faba L.) أثناء نمو و تطور مرحلة إثمار النبات تحت الظروف الملحية.

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author سعيد, هاجر
dc.contributor.author شوقي, سعيدة
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-06T14:37:26Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-06T14:37:26Z
dc.date.issued 2023-06-08
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/14506
dc.description.abstract The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of the interaction between potassium treatments under salinity levels on certain morpho-physiological parameters and the relationship with the cellular functioning mechanism at the molecular level. To understand this, a factorial experiment was designed in a completely randomized block device (split plot). which included four salinity levels as NaCl (S 0: 0, S1: 25, S2: 50, S3: 150) mMol/L And three potassium treatments as potassium acetate (CH3CO2K) (A0: 0 , A1: 25, A2: 50) mMol/L on two broad bean cultivars Vicia faba L. (var: Malti and Histal) during the vegetative stage growth and activity of the root nodes and the stage of growth of the fruiting body with five repetitions for each treatment, the work was carried out on 120 experimental units under controlled conditions under Greenhouse Morphological observation (ND, PSN , SF, NG, LG) and physiological (TERN, TERF, STIN STIPPV, PRON, PROR , PROF, SUCRN, SUCRR, SUCRF, LEGN, FLANR, ARNmN, ARNmF, ADNN , ADNF, Na+N , Na+F , +K N , K+F , K+/ Na+N , +K /Na+F , NN, NF, Fe+2N), Which showed very significant positive and negative correlations between them, it was found that the high salinity treatment S 3: 150 mMol/L showed very different behaviors between the two classes compared to the control. IDS3-DS0 =481.95 as well as the treatment with potassium at a concentration of A2: 50 mMol/L suppressed the deleterious effects of salinity for the two cultivars during the two stages of growth compared to the control, IDA2-DA0=25.88 The index of separation of the groups according to the analysis of variance for these variables studied during the two stages of growth indicates that cultivar Malti was more resistant to salinity compared to cultivar Histal IDM-DH =0.99 which was more sensitive. This was confirmed by a molecular study, applying the PCR technique, which showed that the Malti cultivar more distinct compared to the Histal cultivar by showing on the DNA bands genes for resistance to salinity in individuals treated with salinity only and in individuals treated with both salinity and potassium, however the INC1 primers of the ISSR technique were superior to the C11 and C14 primers of the RAPD technique in detecting DNA bands genes for resistance to salinity, while the primer INC2 of the ISSR technique was the least effective in showing these bands. fr_FR
dc.language.iso ar fr_FR
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 fr_FR
dc.subject البيولوجيا و علم البيئة النباتية: الأسس البيولوجية للإنتاج النباتي fr_FR
dc.subject ملوحة fr_FR
dc.subject بوتاسيوم fr_FR
dc.subject المعايير المورفو-فيزيولوجية fr_FR
dc.subject تقنية ISSR -PCR fr_FR
dc.subject تقنية RAPD- PCR fr_FR
dc.subject Vicia faba L fr_FR
dc.subject salinity fr_FR
dc.subject potassium fr_FR
dc.subject morpho-physiological parameters fr_FR
dc.subject ISSR- PCR technique fr_FR
dc.subject RAPD- PCR technique fr_FR
dc.subject salinité fr_FR
dc.subject paramètres morpho -physiologiques fr_FR
dc.subject Technique ISSR- PCR fr_FR
dc.subject Technique RAPD- PCR fr_FR
dc.title تحديد أثر معاملات K+ على الخصائص الفيزيولوجية و الجزيئية للعقد الجذرية لنبات الفول (Vicia faba L.) أثناء نمو و تطور مرحلة إثمار النبات تحت الظروف الملحية. fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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عرض سجل المادة البسيط

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