Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

Nesting behaviour and biology of anthidium florentinum (fabricius, 1775) in an urbanised area (Ali Mendjeli, Constantine)

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dc.contributor.author Abderrezak, sirine
dc.contributor.author Aguib, sihem
dc.date.accessioned 2023-11-07T09:38:10Z
dc.date.available 2023-11-07T09:38:10Z
dc.date.issued 2022-11-29
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/14310
dc.description.abstract The Megachilidae presents a very diversified family in the clade of Apoidea, this diversity plays an important role in the maintain of the ecosystem including its valuable pollinating efficiency in many cultures due to the existance of a scopa that can load an important quantity of pollen. Species of this family deppend on constructing a solitary nests unlike honey bees wich share one beehive. The nesting behaviour of Megachilid bees differs from species to another, this group of bees uses different types of material in building its own nests such as: soil, wool, resin, mud, flower’s petals and leaves, these lasts can take different structures in natural habitats, but most within cavities either prepared in artificial trap nests or existed once in nature. Despite the diversity of Megachilidae in Algeria which is presented with more than a hundred reported species, nests structures and biology of the majority of these species are still unknown and understudied. This work presents the nesting behaviour and biology of Anthidium florentinum (Fabricius, 1775) in both natural habitats and artificial trap nests that were installed in the campus of Salah Boubnider (constantine). This wild bee is commenly called the wool carder bee, it is characterized with its posterior paws equiped with strong spines, deppends on scratching wool from preexisting cavities, plant leaves, stump needles and dandelions, in order to build its particular wooly nest. The study of nests in bothe natural habitats and installed trap nests allowed us to demonstrate the flower preferences and material used in constructing the nests. Diameter preferences and larvae dispositoin within artificial trap nests are also mentionned and illustrated fr_FR
dc.language.iso en fr_FR
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 fr_FR
dc.subject Ecology fr_FR
dc.subject Nesting fr_FR
dc.subject Megachilidae fr_FR
dc.subject Biology fr_FR
dc.subject Anthidium florentinum fr_FR
dc.title Nesting behaviour and biology of anthidium florentinum (fabricius, 1775) in an urbanised area (Ali Mendjeli, Constantine) fr_FR
dc.type Article fr_FR

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