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Nonparametric estimation of functional and censored data.

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dc.contributor.author Leulmi, Farid
dc.contributor.author Leulmi, Sarra
dc.date.accessioned 2023-10-24T10:17:08Z
dc.date.available 2023-10-24T10:17:08Z
dc.date.issued 2023-01-19
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/14252
dc.description.abstract In this thesis, we consider the problem of the nonparametric estimation of the regression function when the response variable is real and the regressor is valued in a functional space (space of infinite dimension), by using the local linear method. Firstly, we suppose that the observations are strongly mixing and we establish the pointwise and the uniform almost complete convergence, with rates, of the local linear regression estimator. Secondly, we consider a sequence of independent and identically distributed observations and we introduce a local linear nonparametric estimation of the regression function for a censored scalar response random variable. Then, we establish their pointwise and the uniform almost-complete convergences, with rates. Our main results is based on the functional and censored data under strong mixing condition and we study the rate of the pointwise almostcomplete convergence of the local linear regression estimator. Finally, a simulation study illustrates the performance of the local linear methodology with respect to other kernel method, in the tree cases: Functional and complete case under dependent condition, Functional and censored case under independent condition and Functional and censored case under dependent condition. fr_FR
dc.language.iso en fr_FR
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 fr_FR
dc.subject Mathematiques: Probabilités et Statistique fr_FR
dc.subject Données fonctionnelles fr_FR
dc.subject Données censurées fr_FR
dc.subject Estimation locale linéaire fr_FR
dc.subject Convergence presque compète fr_FR
dc.subject Estimation locale linéaire fr_FR
dc.subject Convergence presque compète fr_FR
dc.subject α-mélange fr_FR
dc.subject Functional data fr_FR
dc.subject Censored data fr_FR
dc.subject Censored data fr_FR
dc.subject Local linear Estimation fr_FR
dc.subject Almost-complete convergence fr_FR
dc.subject α-mixing fr_FR
dc.subject البيانات الوظيفية fr_FR
dc.subject البيانات المحجوبة fr_FR
dc.subject التقدير الخطي المحلي fr_FR
dc.subject التقارب الشبه الكامل المنتظم fr_FR
dc.subject الخلط القوي fr_FR
dc.title Nonparametric estimation of functional and censored data. fr_FR
dc.title.alternative Estimation non paramètrique des données fonctionnelles et censurées. fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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