The study attempts to probe the efficacy of the cooperative learning method in developing the speaking skill. Based on the general hypothesis that cooperative learning may bring about positive outcomes in advancing speaking accuracy, fluency, and complexity, this study was conducted through a mixed-method research design. Two quantitative data collection instruments were used. First, a questionnaire was submitted to 69 out of 258 first-year undergraduate students majoring in English at Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia University of Jijel to inspect the participants' attitudes towards learning the speaking skill via cooperative learning and to unveil how this method's tenets are applied. Second, the quasi-experimental study (non-equivalent pretest-posttest group design) was used to investigate the impact of the cooperative learning method on a sample of 49 participants' oral performance. In addition, focus group discussions were conducted with 23 participants to account for the
merits and shortcomings of the method applied in oral skill classes. The research findings disclosed the participants' high appreciation for and readiness to cooperate while performing orally though such practices were not fully cooperative. More importantly, the results confirmed the hypotheses as the tests revealed a high statistically significant difference in the performance of both groups in favour of the experimental group in the three speaking features (accuracy, fluency and complexity). Being over-controlled by some peers in groups
and prone to mockery were the most negative factors experienced in the treatment. Contrariwise, the method was deemed powerful in enhancing some language components, psychological and social aspects. In the light of these results, some pedagogical recommendations and suggestions are put forward.