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الإيقاع في القصيدة النثر الجزائرية.

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dc.contributor.author قندوز, مختار
dc.contributor.author وغليسي, يوسف
dc.date.accessioned 2022-12-19T08:04:41Z
dc.date.available 2022-12-19T08:04:41Z
dc.date.issued 2022-07-17
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/13617
dc.description.abstract In contemporary poetic production, the prose poem represents a generic mutation that has made the textual paradox, being a combination of prose and poetry that responds to the demands of poetic modernity, since the latter has reconstructed certain concepts of point of view of criticism in contemporary poetic production, the prose poem represents a generic mutation that has made the textual paradox, being a combination of prose and poetry that meets the demands of poetic modernity, because this last reconstructed certain concepts from the point of view of modern criticism. La poésie n'est plus cette parole mesurée et rimée, et le poème n'est plus cette structure typiquement khalilienne, à la lumière de la diversité des rythmes et de son ouverture aux sciences et aux arts de la langue arabe, le rythme s'étend jusqu'à la science de la rhétorique et s'enrichit de sa beauté. Il dépasse les frontières du sens pour passer de l'auditif au visuel, et approfondit les détails du langage, de ses composantes les plus simples jusqu'à celles qui constituent les dimensions et la diversité sémantique. Poetry is no longer this measured and rhymed word, and the poem is no longer this typically Khalilian structure, in the light of the diversity of rhythms and its openness to the sciences and arts of the Arabic language, the rhythm extends to the science of rhetoric and is enriched by its beauty. It goes beyond the boundaries of meaning to move from the auditory to the visual, and deepens the details of language, from its simplest components to those that constitute dimensions and semantic diversity. Indeed, it reflects the maturity of the poetic experience of many Algerian poets, the most important of which is the phenomenon of rhythm. The research simplifies its concept and its subject in ancient Arab criticism, and its appearance in Western criticism and among contemporary Arab critics. Rhythm moves from its quantitative character to other accidentals, which rely on phonetic approaches and their role in exploiting stress, intonation, syllabic system and different repetitions. It transgresses the limits of hearing to what is visual, being interested in the language of punctuation, white space and spaces, in addition to the contribution of rhetoric, which helps to provide rhythms linked to naturalization , acceleration and contrast, without neglecting the semantic dimensions that form the different hidden rhythms. fr_FR
dc.language.iso ar fr_FR
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 fr_FR
dc.subject الأدب العربي: الأدب العربي الحديث والمعاصر fr_FR
dc.subject إيقاع fr_FR
dc.subject قصيدة fr_FR
dc.subject نثر fr_FR
dc.subject جزائرية fr_FR
dc.subject Rhythm fr_FR
dc.subject poetry fr_FR
dc.subject textual fr_FR
dc.subject Algerian fr_FR
dc.subject Rythme fr_FR
dc.subject le poème fr_FR
dc.subject textuel fr_FR
dc.subject Algérien fr_FR
dc.title الإيقاع في القصيدة النثر الجزائرية. fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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