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Étude et optimisation d’un système de pompage photovoltaïque en mode alternatif.

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dc.contributor.author Zerimeche, Ines
dc.contributor.author Haouam, Abdeslam
dc.date.accessioned 2022-12-15T08:03:11Z
dc.date.available 2022-12-15T08:03:11Z
dc.date.issued 2022-07-12
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/13464
dc.description.abstract The objective of the work presented in this thesis concerns the study and control of a photovoltaic (PV) pumping system in alternating mode operating at its maximum power. For this, we carried out a comparative study between two control structures of an induction motor (IM) driving a pump. It is the indirect version of classical vector control (IFOC) and a nonlinear control technique called “sliding mode”. The simulation results allowed us to distinguish the effectiveness of sliding mode control in terms of regulation, tracking, and disturbance rejection compared to conventional vector control. The motor-pump system is fed by a PV solar generator via a voltage inverter controlled by pulse-width modulation vector (MLIV). In order to obtain an optimized maximum power from the PV source regardless of the variation in the level of irradiance or temperature, we have studied several types of PPM tracking techniques: Peturb & Observe (P&O), Hill- Climbing, Inc-Conductance technique, voltage regulation technique (Fraction of Vco), and Fuzzy MPPT technique. A comparative study was carried out between these different types of MPPT. The simulation results showed the superiority of the Fuzzy MPPT technique compared to other techniques in terms of PPM search speed, accuracy, and robustness to changes in climatic conditions. fr_FR
dc.language.iso fr fr_FR
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 fr_FR
dc.subject Electro-Technique: Contrôle et diagnostique de la conversion de l’énergie électrique fr_FR
dc.subject Générateur photovoltaique fr_FR
dc.subject système de pompage fr_FR
dc.subject MLIV fr_FR
dc.subject MLIS fr_FR
dc.subject Moteur asynchrone fr_FR
dc.subject commande à flux orienté fr_FR
dc.subject modes glissants fr_FR
dc.subject MPPT fr_FR
dc.subject Perturbe & Observe fr_FR
dc.subject Hill-Climbing fr_FR
dc.subject Inc-Conductance fr_FR
dc.subject Fraction deVco fr_FR
dc.subject MPPT Floue fr_FR
dc.subject Photovoltaic generator fr_FR
dc.subject pumping system fr_FR
dc.subject Asynchronous motor fr_FR
dc.subject flux-oriented control fr_FR
dc.subject sliding modes fr_FR
dc.subject Disturb and Observe fr_FR
dc.subject Fraction of Voc fr_FR
dc.subject Fuzzy MPPT fr_FR
dc.subject مولدات الطاقة الشمسية fr_FR
dc.subject نظام الضخ الكهروضوئي fr_FR
dc.subject متجه تعديل عرض النبضة fr_FR
dc.subject المحرك الغير متزامن fr_FR
dc.subject النسخة الغير مباشرة للتحكم الكلاسيكي fr_FR
dc.subject تقنية التحكم الغير خطية (الوضع الانزلاقي) fr_FR
dc.title Étude et optimisation d’un système de pompage photovoltaïque en mode alternatif. fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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