Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

حماية المستهلك من الممارسات التجارية غير المشروعة

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dc.contributor.author ابراهيمي, هانية
dc.contributor.author نقاش, حمزة
dc.date.accessioned 2022-11-14T09:46:59Z
dc.date.available 2022-11-14T09:46:59Z
dc.date.issued 2022-07-14
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/13071
dc.description.abstract The issue of consumer protection is one of the relatively recent and constantly evolving subjects given the legislative developments related to this subject, given that the risks incurred by the consumer are unstable because they are constantly evolving, which is why the Legislators are paying great attention and in order to keep pace with these developments, enact legislation that will embody effective consumer protection. The issue of consumer protection, due to its technical and protective nature, calls for its effectiveness and the achievement of real consumer protection, which the legislator seeks to achieve by linking consumer protection to several laws, in particular the right competition and consumption. Through the content of the study of the subject of consumer protection against illegal commercial practices within the framework of competition and consumer law, it appears that the Algerian legislator has tried to pay attention to the protection of consumers against these practices by enacting a set of rules, texts and mechanisms, whether in the field of competition law rules or in consumer law rules which are effective guarantees to protect it, but the reality of Algerian market is still chaotic, as the Algerian market is considered a magnet for fraudulent goods, which leads to harm to consumer health and safety in the face of increasing cases of fraud and deception in products and services . Despite the legal arsenal with which the Algerian legalization abounds in the field of consumer protection against illicit practices, it is not achievable in practice, which calls for the need to strengthen the legal texts and toughen the penalties for offenders and perpetrators of damage to the health and safety of consumers. fr_FR
dc.language.iso ar fr_FR
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 fr_FR
dc.subject القانون العام: قانون التنظيم الاقتصادي fr_FR
dc.subject المستهلك fr_FR
dc.subject الممارسات التجارية غير المشروعة fr_FR
dc.subject الممارسات المقيدة للمنافسة fr_FR
dc.subject التزامات المتدخل fr_FR
dc.subject جرائم الغش والخداع fr_FR
dc.subject Consumer fr_FR
dc.subject unfair commercial practices fr_FR
dc.subject practices restricting competition fr_FR
dc.subject obligations of the intruder fr_FR
dc.subject crimes of fraud and deception fr_FR
dc.subject Consommateur fr_FR
dc.subject pratiques commerciales déloyales fr_FR
dc.subject pratiques restrictives de concurrence fr_FR
dc.subject obligations de l'intrus fr_FR
dc.subject délits d'escroquerie et de tromperie fr_FR
dc.title حماية المستهلك من الممارسات التجارية غير المشروعة fr_FR
dc.title.alternative دراسة في ضوء قانون المنافسة والاستهلاك. fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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