المستودع الرقمي في جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1

استعرض Physique Nucléaire et applications Physique Théorique حسب العنوان

استعرض Physique Nucléaire et applications Physique Théorique حسب العنوان

فرز حسب: رتب: النتائج:

  • Djerboua, Y; Amrani, N; Boucenna, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    We calculate the Maxwellian-averaged cross sections (MACS) of the stellar nucleosynthesis reactions (n,g ) using the ENDF/B-VII.1, KADONiS, EXFOR and JEFF-3.1 evaluated nuclear data libraries. The calculated capture cross ...
  • Chibane, B. I; Benrachi, F; Bali, M.S (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    Recent developments in radiotherapy techniques, particularly VMAT technique is a tool of choice in the treatment of tumors with complex shapes such as head and neck cancers. Patients with head and neck cancer are prone ...
  • Djeha, K; Si Lakhal, B (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    Study the cosmic microwave background: polarization and anisotropy.The inflationary model has been proposed to address the shortcomings of the standard model of cosmology. This cosmological model offers both a solution ...
  • Sahnoune, Y; Kahoul, A; Kasri, Y; Deghfel, B; Medjadi, D.E (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    The analytical methods based on X-ray fluorescence have a great importance for a number of practical applications in a variety of fields including atomic physics, X-ray fluorescence surface chemical analysis, medical ...
  • Kaim, S (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    The nuclei with A=140 having a few holes in the N =82 shell closure offer a fertile region to investigate the shape evolution. They are spherical or only slightly deformed in the ground state and at small angular momenta, ...
  • Ramda, K (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    One of the most fundamental questions we can ask about a given gauge theory is its phase diagram. We present Monte Carlo simulations, for a simple three matrix model that exhibits an exotic phase transition. we focus on ...
  • Bekhouche, S; Bentag, B (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    By path integral formulation and delta functional technics we calculated the propagator of singular oscillator. We have foundthe discrete spectrum and the corresponding wave functions
  • Khalfallah, F; Kahoul, A; Kasri, Y (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    In this work we calculate photoionization X-ray cross-sections of K-shell vacancies in S at incident photon energy of 59.6 keV using the Dirac-Fock method and the MCDFGME (Multi Configuration Dirac Fock and General Matrix ...
  • Kahoul, A; Kasri, Y; Sahnoune, Y; Deghfel, B; Khalfallah, F; Sampaio, J. M; Marques, J. P (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    In this work, we derive the K-shell fluorescence yield using a Dirac-Fock model. To compute, radiationless and radiative transition rates we have used the MCDF code of Desclaux and Indelicato [1- 3]. The wave functions ...
  • Bouchachi, D; Attallah, R (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    The origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays is one of the most enigmatic questions in modern physics. The study of a such high-energy particles is a new and active research area where scientists wish to find the still-unknown ...

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