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Browsing First International Conference on Renewable Energies and Nanotechnology impact on Medicine and Ecology by Title

Browsing First International Conference on Renewable Energies and Nanotechnology impact on Medicine and Ecology by Title

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  • Merrouche, W; Malek, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    A new charging algorithm for lead-acid batteries in photovoltaic systems is presented. For increasing lead-acid battery cycle life, it is necessary for each discharge, recharge it to the maximum state of charge, and ...
  • Morsli, G; Bouziane, M; Belhamel; Belacel, M (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Natural Gas Vehicles fueled with a new fuel made of a hydrogen/natural gas blends (HCNG) is being considered as initial step towards hydrogen economy. Small percentage of hydrogen mixed into compressed natural gas (CNG) ...
  • Ouada ,Mehdi; Meridjet, M.S; Trafaya, A; Dib, D; Talbi, N (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    This paper describe comparative study between traditional MPPT method and fuzzy logic MPPT controller, we begin by modeling photovoltaic panel two diode model and show impact of different level of solar irradiation ,then ...
  • Ouada, M; Tarfaya, A; Meridjet, M.S; Dib, D; Talbi, N (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    This paper describe comparative study between traditional MPPT method and fuzzy logic MPPT controller , we begin by modeling photovoltaic panel two diode model and show impact of different level of solar irradiation ,then ...
  • HALLOUFI, O; KAABI, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Over 70% of the planetary surface is covered by water from whish 97.5% is salted water and thus is improper for human, in industrial and agriculture use. Soft water represents only, 2% of existing water. Solar desalination ...
  • Halloufi, O; Kaabi, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Over 70 of the planetary surface are covered by water and from whish 97.5% is salted water and thus is improper for human, in industrial and agriculture use. Soft water represents only, 2% of existing water. Solar ...
  • Ayat, Leila; Nour, Sabra; Meftah, Afak (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    This work is a numerical simulation of the output parameters of a PIN a-Si:H solar cell under AM1.5 spectrum. These parameters are the short circuit current (Jsc), the open circuit voltage (Voc), the fill factor (FF), the ...
  • Hadjab, Moufdi; Djellid, Asma (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The good operation of a photovoltaic system depends on weather conditions such as illumination and temperature, because for example in a mobile station powered by a photovoltaic source, power supplied by the photovoltaic ...
  • OURICI, Amel (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The wind energy systems using a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) have some advantages due to variable speed operation and four quadrants active and reactive power capabilities compared with fixed speed induction. In ...
  • Harrag, A; Bouchelaghem, A; Saigaa, D; Bouras, D; Drif, M; Bensaadi, W (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    This paper presents the design, construction and test of a low cost and high flexibility I-V/P-V curve tracer for photovoltaic modules. The curve tracer gives the possibility to obtain the significant parameters for the ...
  • Biskri, Z; Bouchear, M; Rahal, B (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The study and use of nanostructured materials experiencing considerable growth due to their special properties. All major types of materials are concerned: metals, ceramics, dielectrics, magnetic oxides, polymers, etc. ...
  • Rahal, H; Kihal, R; Affoune, M. A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The thin films of zinc oxide (ZnO) have been grown by electrodeposition technique onto tin oxidecoated glass (ITO/glass) substrates from a simple aqueous zinc nitrate electrolyte. The electrodeposition mechanism was ...
  • Naim, H; Falil, F.Z; Benabadji, N; Bouadi, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    In thispaper,we presenta detailed descriptionofamini pyranometer8-bit2-input.This device isdedicated to the measurementof incident solar radiationdirectlyin thevisible and nearinfrared (withtwo photodiodesbroad-spectru ...
  • MAHDI, Khaled; BELLEL, Nadir (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Solar energy can be used for substitution of the depleting fossil fuels in thermal applications and electricity generation through thermal route. For medium and high temperature applications, a system for collecting solar ...
  • MAHDI, Khaled; BELLEL, Nadir (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2012-12-16)
    Solar energy can be used for substitution of the depleting fossil fuels in thermal applications and electricity generation through thermal route. For medium and high temperature applications, a system for collecting solar ...
  • Nedjar, Aziz; Merrouche, Djemai; Mohammedi, Kamal (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Les écoulements diphasiques sont présents dans de multiples applications. Ceux concernent aussi bien les problèmes posés par le génie des procédés (agitation, le mélange, la séparation, de flottation) que par la propulsion ...
  • Lakel, A; Labii, T; Zerrouk, I; Zahaf, A; Boubertakh, A; Hamamda, S (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
  • Harrouz, A; Ben Atiallah, A; Harrouz, O (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2012-12-16)
    This paper presents a full model of generation system power from wind energy. The modelled system consists of a rectifying control connected by the DPC to the PMSM which is driven by a turbine vertical axis wind type ...
  • Labii, T; Lakel, A; Zerrouk, I; Zahaf, A; Boubertakh, A; Hamamda, S (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The expansion of polymer blends for the acquisition of new associations with interesting physical features and minimizing technical sales ratio are current. Many researchers routinely work to improve and make competitive ...
  • RAHAL, H; RAHAL, S; KIHAL, R; AFFOUNE, A. M (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The electrodeposition of cuprous oxide (Cu2O) and copper (Cu) thin films at 29 °C on the ITO/glass substrates from cupric acetate aqueous solution is reported. The electrodeposition mechanism was investigated by cyclic ...

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