dc.description.abstract |
In the present work, the performance of multilayer coated carbide tool was investigated considering the effect of cutting parameters during turning of hardened X38CrMoV5-1 high alloy steel ( ~ 50 HRC). This steel is free from tungsten on Cr-Mo-V basis. It is employed for the manufacture of plastic moulds subject to high stress, helicopter rotor blades and forging dies. Nine experimental runs based on an orthogonal array (L9) of the Taguchi method were performed to derive objective functions to be optimized within the experimental domain. The objective functions were selected in relation to the parameters of the cutting process: surface roughness criteria. The correlations between the cutting parameters and performance measures, like surface roughness, were established by multiple linear regression models. Highly significant parameters were determined by performing an Analysis of variance (ANOVA). Arithmetic mean roughness (Ra), total roughness (Rt) and mean depth of roughness (Rz) get affected mostly by feed rate. Its contributions on Ra, Rt and Rz are (71.72, 22.16 and 48.46%), respectively |