dc.description.abstract |
Computer formats and applications have multiplied, following the
emergence of a vast number of new concepts and techniques in Information
Management. There fore, the more countries invest in Knowledge acquisition,
the more they would comply to globalization requirements, and their endless
implications on Information production and use through electronic media and
networks, and reach the point of sharing Knowledge between the Administration
and the citizen. This is the starting point and the heart of the thesis of
globalization and free access advocates. These two concepts concur, but
sometimes may conflict. Thus, the principle of free access applies on countries
which have a huge Information production, but developing countries still suffer
from what is called, in the field of Knowledge and Information, “the digital
gap”. This issue is a double-standards matter, the archivist, guarantor of
Information continuity, protector of institutional archival heritage and collector
of the society’s future memory, has then to acquire and develop adequate
Knowledge to cope with this new unipolar globalization; in order to secure a
complementary standardization and regulation of electronic production; and to
work harmoniously with people in the field of administration and Information.
And this, to have all guarantees for the preservation of archives which are our
institutions’ memory and the basis on which states and nations rely.
For all these considerations, and other objective and subjective ones, the
implementation of a Management and Archiving Electronic System has become
a vital strategic choice for developing countries, for them to face and hold back
the cultural and informational aggression which is a kind of new invasion, under
different aspects and forms, aiming at outshining other civilizations and leading
the world in the name of globalization.
Within this dangerous context, the archivist has a leading part, not only in
standardizing E-records production, or controlling their course and retrieving
them complete and authenticated, but also in preserving them as proofs and
witnesses of our societies’ foundations and principles. For this, the archivist
should be totally updated concerning the continuous findings in new IT. There
fore, while looking after our Nation’s History, the archivist should also take care
of its future patrimony. And this, by implementing organizational and scientific
management standards on nowadays records production, for a future multi-usage
of documents. He would, thus, have a new role in establishing the Egovemment, for a better governance and administration, relying for this on
Knowledge Management which itself relies on investing in human competence. |