In this work we can find many and different results about the elaboration, structural
and characterization of semiconductor ZnSe nanocrystals imbedded in the matrices: the
silica and the polymers.
The sol - gel method was used in the preparation of simples and the incorporation of the
nanocrystals of the semiconductor ZnSe was effected at liquid stat in the two matrices.
The characterization of X - ray diffraction has showed the presence of the semiconductor
ZnSe in the two matrices.
The Raman spectra of doped samples show additive pics compared with Raman spectra of
indoped simples and then confirmes the presence of the nanocrystals semiconductor ZnSe
The optical density measurements in the UV-Visible range show a shift of the ZnSe band
edge to the height energy ( the low- waxes lengths ) in comparison with the edge to the bulk
crystal. This shift is due to the contlnement caused by the nanometric size of ZnSe
A second optical characterization by the Photoluminescence spectroscopy has showed that
the elaborated simples have a luminescence bands in the visible rang. This result gives the
possibility to consider these samples as optically actives materials.