عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author Falek, Wahiba
dc.contributor.author Agli, Abdel-Nacer
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-25T09:39:24Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-25T09:39:24Z
dc.date.issued 2013-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/10201
dc.description 138 f.
dc.description.abstract The goal of our study is the feasibility of bread baking from prefermented and frozen dough. This manufacture would allow the multiplication of cooking terminals that do not require neither big space nor equipment, other than a furnace. After the physicochemical and rheological characterization of the flour, the main technological parameters of this type of bread making are given. Initially the normal bread making of the pilot bread is controlled by the precision of the optima parameters adapted to the flour used: rate of hydration, speed and duration of kneading, duration and type of single or biphasic fermentation with bulk and second fermentations, then cooking. In the second time, the optima parameters of bread making from prefermented dough and the effects of freezing and the thawing of the dough on bread quality were investigated. Our results indicate that in bread making of the witness, bulk fermentation and second fermentation have remarkable combined effects on quality of the bread. Biphasic fermentation is thus preferable. With single fermentation. The second fermentation (App) affects more shape ratio H/L (R = - 0.69) than density M/V (R = -0.18), its optimal duration is of 45 min. The only duration of bulk fermentation (Pt) beyond 45 min seems to have little effect on quality of the bread. However, the combination of these two fermentations influences the density and thus the quality of the bread. The couple of fermentation Pt/App. 120/45 is a compromise for a high H/L (> 0.65) and a minimum M/V, close to 0.35. In the bread of préfermented and frozen dough, the bulk fermentation has a very weak effect, 0.01 p.cent on M/V and rather higher 10 p.cent on H/L which are observed only between extreme durations (45 and 120 min). The second fermentation, in particular between 15 and 45 mn, appreciably influences (17 p.cent) M/V and it has a dominating effect (40.39 p.cent) on H/L starting from 15 min. The interaction of these two fermentations decreases their effect on M/V, and their combination with the mode of thawing is reflected negatively on H/L (4.73 p.cent). The mode of thawing alone affects (4.2 p.cent) H/L but not M/V. The best bread of frozen dough is that obtained with fermentation (Pt/App) 60/15 and cooked directly without preliminary thaw. The second bread in quality is that of thawing with 5 °C with a pair of fermentation at 90/15. The third is that defrosted at 40 °C with a pair 120/15. The time of thaw at 5°C is of 240 mn and it is 35 mn at 40°C. Finally, we estimate that bread making from fermented and frozen dough is feasible and does not require thaw preliminary to cooking. Without use of improving additives of bread making, the result is similar to the witness bread with an appreciable gain in the time of fermentation.
dc.format 30 cm.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Nutrition, Alimentation et Technologies Agro-Alimentaires
dc.subject Nutrition, Alimentation et Technologies Agro-Alimentaires
dc.subject Biochimie et Technologies Alimentaires: Sciences Alimentaires
dc.subject panification
dc.subject fermentation
dc.subject pointage
dc.subject apprêt
dc.subject congélation
dc.subject décongélation
dc.subject bread making
dc.subject bulk fermentation
dc.subject second fermentation
dc.subject freezing
dc.subject thawing
dc.subject الخبز
dc.subject التخمیر
dc.subject لافتا
dc.subject وخلع الملابس
dc.subject تجمید
dc.subject ذوبان الجلید
dc.title Fabrication de pain à partir de pâte pré-fermentée et congelée.
dc.type Thesis
dc.coverage 2 copies imprimées disponibles

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عرض سجل المادة البسيط

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