استعرض حسب الموضوع "K-shell fluorescence yield"

فرز حسب: رتب: النتائج:

  • Daoudia, S.; Kahoula, A.; Kasric, Y.; Sahnounea, Y. (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    Over the years, a large quantity of experimental data were reported in the literature for Kβ/Kα intensity ratios. Several researchers investigated Kβ/Kαvalues by using different methods according to different experimental ...
  • Kahoul, A; Kasri, Y; Sahnoune, Y; Deghfel, B; Khalfallah, F; Sampaio, J. M; Marques, J. P (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-15)
    In this work, we derive the K-shell fluorescence yield using a Dirac-Fock model. To compute, radiationless and radiative transition rates we have used the MCDF code of Desclaux and Indelicato [1- 3]. The wave functions ...
  • Kahoula, B.; Kasric, Y.; Sahnounea; Deghfele; Khalfallaha; Sampaiogand (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-12-14)
    In this work, we derive the K-shell fluorescence yield using a Dirac-Fock model. To compute, radiationless and radiative transition rates we have used the MCDF code of Desclaux and Indelicato [1-3]. The wave functions were ...

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